my hoilday.

On the holiday I went to Carson’s birthday party on the 25th of april. We were going Rock climbing for his birthday. My mom dropped me off at his house and we left at 11:am. When I got there I gave him his present. It was very expensive. It costs 70$ I got him a

soccer ball,snacks and a playstation gift card. After I gave it to him


I went to play with him upstairs. Me, Jayveous Rourke,and his next door neighbour Landon were going to play video games while we waited. For his mom so we can go rock climbing. We played for a few minutes but then we had to go rock climbing. So


 We got in the car and went to the Rock climbing. It took a couple of minutes until we finally got there. This was my 2nd time going Rock climbing. The last time I went rock climbing was on July 16 2023 we went inside and we went to the counter to go and pay for the Rock climbing.

  After we paid we went to go and get our harness. They told us the instructions after they told us the instructions we went to go and play. There were so many towers we could climb. It looked so high there was also a little kiddy zone for under 9 years old but I couldn’t go in there because I was 10 years old. I was too big to go in there. So I had to go on the very big ones. The first one I climbed was the king kong tower. It was very hard to climb  and it was also very scary because the handlebars were too small for my hands.  So I lost grip and fell but I didn’t get injured because my harness made me slow down and saved me so I didn’t get any injuries. The king kong tower was too hard for me so I went on some other towers to climb. I climbed more towers and more after we finished


 We had to go back to Carson’s house for dinner. We were eating pizza. We got the limo but two of them were super yummy. After we ate we played video games and played outside. We had to go home because it was 6:00 pm. We stayed at Carson’s birthday party for the whole day. Roukes mom took me back home.


When the holidays

 were coming to an end. I felt annoyed because I don’t like school. The only thing I was looking forward to is the playtimes. My dream holiday would be Rainbow Zend because I have never gone there before but my sister and cousin. They went without me because one time I stayed at my aunties house for five days. That’s when they went because my aunties house is very far away.

Hall of fame