MY weekend.

Wednesday 22 May 2024


On the weekend my sister allowed me to play with her on her game. We were going to play some minecraft in her room. I also want to compliment my mum because she makes me hot chips. And she makes me chicken nuggets and also makes me food. And she also cares for me and she loves me and another person I want to compliment is my dad for making me a milkshake. And also helping me learn how to make a milkshake. I also want to compliment my little cousin and my mum and dad for watching scary movies with me. My big Cousin always wants to play with me. I also want to compliment my sister again because she always plays monopoly with me and she plays cards with me and she also draws with me.

And she always cooks me something when I am hungry and she always plays with me. I also want to compliment my mum again because she buys me heaps of stuff and my big cousin because he always makes me noodles and ice cream and he always shares his food with me. And my other cousin jayvious because he also shares his food with me when I don’t have any and he always works with me when it’s learning time.

leone and the libary encounter

Thursday 16th may



13 years old

Black hair


Peach skin tone

Black eyes pierced nose

Nike pants

Black shirt


Listens to music


Lives by a shop

Reads books


One day leone went to the library to look at some books. She wanted books about rules while she was looking down all the aisles for the book she wanted.


 Suddenly she heard these super strange and weird noises. It was coming from ailes three leone was too scared but then she built up the courage to go and check out what was making the noise. It was a monkey messing around with all the books. It ran to the basement downstairs leone followed and went down. 

To go and check when she went downstairs  she saw there were ten monkeys in the basement. So leone rushed back up the stairs and never went to the library ever again.

should animals be kept in zoos?

Reasons why animals should be kept in Zoos.


Monday 6th may


Firstly, I believe animals should be kept in zoos because they get fed well and they get taken carewell. And they get medical treatment if they are sick and they also won’t become extinct if they get medical treatment they won’t become extinct like dinosaurs. And animals in Zoos let people see animals they have not seen before. If animals were set free in the wild it might attack somone in the wild if the person is camping and it will hurt someone and injure them as well. 


Secondly I believe animals should be kept in Zoos because in zoos they have enough space to roam around Zoos try to make sure that the animals don’t die. Zookeepers also wash the animals if they’re dirty.


Lastly why I think animals should be kept in Zoos its because some zoos release into the wild the animals might die when they are hunting| in the wild.